🗻 Beyond Python
Practice makes permanent
Use flashcards to remember syntax
Use coding challenges to develop fluency
- Leetcode
- Capture the Flag
- Hackathon
Learn from existing projects
Make something you care about!
Get a job using Python
Learn frameworks
- Django/Flask
- PyTorch/Tensorflow/Sci-kit
- PyMC
Learn other languages!
Recommended languages (this will take several years to get through, btw):
- JavaScript - similar difficulty to Python, powers websites
- TypeScript - harder, but useful
- Scala - very similar to Python, but strong, static typing
- C#, Kotlin, Dart - Object oriented programming
- Java - very similar
- F#, OCaml - Functional programming
- Haskell - harder, but useful
- Lisp, Clojure, Racket - different, but should learn
- Julia - a Lisp-y language similar to Python, learn if interested in scientific computing
- C - Learn how computers actually work
- Assembly - bare-bones programming
- Rust - Systems programming, concurrency, very difficult
- C++ - also very difficult, but for different reasons
Novel and/or Research languages
- Pony - actor-based concurrency
- Zig - C alternative
- Unison - concurrency
- Lobster, Odin - game dev
- Austral - linear type system
- Koka - effectful programming
Weird and Wacky
- LOLCode
- Chef
- BrainFuck
Make your own language:
- Crafting Interpreters