🌎 Environment Setup
Once you have Python installed, we need to create a new folder in your filesystem.
But we are going to do it from the command line
Open PowerShell
again, then enter each line, one by one
Open Terminal
again, then enter each line, one by one
mkdir Projects
The mkdir
command makes a directory (a folder)
cd Projects
The cd
command changes to a directory
mkdir projectname
cd projectname
Virtual Environment
When you have different projects that depend on the same package, you might have a scenario where project A needs version 2 of a package, but project B needs version 3 of a package.
To avoid this conflict, it's a good idea to create a virtual environment. You can think of it like a container that isolates the packages from different projects
Create a virtual environement inside your projectname
python -m venv venv
python3 -m venv venv
Python comes with a package called venv
(short for virtual environment),
and we are telling this package to create a virtual environment called venv
Next activate the environment
source ./venv/bin/activate
Besides your prompt you should now see the name of the virtual environment in round brackets